Just like most common’s cartoon films, the content fills with hope, dream, goal can be reached successfully through a series of efforts. The movie is pretty funny. I think the best scene is that the master Shifu, whose real purpose is teach and train Panda kung fu, fights with the panda (Po) for the dumplings. Words spoken by the tortoise (Wu Gui) and make me have a great impression are “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, today is a gift. " It is a movie quite China.
一如大多數的卡通片作風, 內容充滿了希望、 夢想、 經過一番努力後終能成功地達到目標。 套戲都幾攪笑的。 我覺得最好睇係師父同熊貓打架爭食餃子個段。 而最令我記得個三句係由烏龜所講的 “昨天的事已成過去, 明天的事話之佢, 今宵有酒今宵醉”。 套戲都頗中國化。
一如大多數的卡通片作風, 內容充滿了希望、 夢想、 經過一番努力後終能成功地達到目標。 套戲都幾攪笑的。 我覺得最好睇係師父同熊貓打架爭食餃子個段。 而最令我記得個三句係由烏龜所講的 “昨天的事已成過去, 明天的事話之佢, 今宵有酒今宵醉”。 套戲都頗中國化。
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